Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Crazy Conspiracy Theories

Ever wonder where conspiracy theories come from? We've all heard some crazy ones; I certainly have. Like the CIA killed JFK. Or that Mary Jo Kopechne was pregnant with Teddy Kennedy's child and that's why he drowned her at Chappaquiddick.  Or that the horrible tragedy of 9/11, wherein 3,000 Americans died, was an inside job, accomplished with the help/knowledge of George W. Bush, using controlled demolitions in order to start a war with Iraq to avenge his father's failures. Or that Dick Cheney, generally considered by all Democrats as The Devil Incarnate, was behind it.

Then there was the one that claimed that the tragedy of the Sandy Hook massacre was not real; that all the dead children and their families in Newtown, Connecticut were paid actors, the whole thing a staged stunt to further the cause of gun control and masterminded by opponents of the NRA, which means Democrats. More recently, there was the whole Trump/Russia/Ukraine thing, which turned out to be a bust that we no longer talk about in polite society.

Now we have George Floyd, who may or may not be dead. Possibly a paid actor now living comfortably in a fabulous villa in an undisclosed location, Floyd (not his name anymore) never died. And about that Minneapolis police officer who held him down for almost nine minutes: Who would do such a thing, knowing that his actions were being recorded the entire time? And the ensuing protests and riots, now going into a second week, all choreographed by the Democrats to further demonize Trump as a racist and win back the White House in November.

I have no idea who comes up with all this stuff. Except for that last one; that was me. 

1 comment:

  1. My conspiracy is that that cop was in on all of this, somehow. Have you noticed, other than ice cube with the fake maga hat look alike picture that disappeared there's very little said about his personal life which normally would be all over the biased news, but....crickets


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