Monday, March 23, 2020

The End of Us

There is something slightly uplifting about the current situation gripping the world: Finally, regardless of age, race, gender, physical ability and political leanings, we are all in the same boat. This is a rare thing and one that might, at the end of it, actually help us in the long run. If there is a long run.

But what if there isn't? What if COVID-19 wipes out the human race? Nobody could deny we deserve it, that's for sure. After all, God kicked Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden for taking a bite of an apple. Imagine how He feels these days with the terrible actions of Man! (Yes, and Woman, and all you Half-men-Half-women.) You can't say we don't have it coming, what with the following heinous activities that are commonplace yet barely raise eyebrows anymore:

Priests sexually abusing little boys
Humans surgically altering their God-given bodies, as if He made a mistake
Different ethnic groups warring constantly
The abuse and resulting depletion of our planet's riches
Man's unbelievable and unceasing cruelty to animals

So if it's all over, or at least in the process of ending, I must say I'm glad to be here for it. It is quite momentous, and while it won't be in the history books since there won't be any more history, or books, I'd hate to have missed it. What a spectacle.

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