Monday, March 30, 2020

The Blame Game

Just laying eyes on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's ugly mug makes me physically ill. He's on TV daily, making a big deal out of his state's horrendous climbing coronavirus cases, so I've got to be careful when I turn on the news. Usually I only do this while I am folding laundry mid-day, which seems to coincide with Andy's little show. Anyway, the Democrats, understandably grasping at straws to find a suitable candidate for November other than poor, befuddled Joe Biden, are whispering about Cuomo as a dark horse at the convention.
Cuomo, an obvious nitwit like his brother Fredo, has threatened that he will sue the Governor of Rhode Island for stopping New Yorkers at the border of his state in an effort to protect his constituency from the spread of the highly contagious killing disease.  As if things aren't bad enough, what we need right to calm the growing panic is governors suing governors -- is that Cuomo's thinking?
The prophylactic border-stops have not come without controversy: Steven Brown, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island, told The New York Times that the police stops in that state were unconstitutional: “Under the Fourth Amendment, having a New York state license plate simply does not, and cannot, constitute ‘probable cause’ to allow police to stop a car and interrogate the driver, no matter how laudable the goal of the stop may be,” Mr. Brown said in a statement.
Just wondering: Do the Democrats -- and the ACLU-- hope to stop this scourge or  keep it going until Election Day when they can then loudly trumpet it was all Trump's fault? Sure looks that way.

1 comment:

  1. Those poor people up at Vinalhaven that are from New Jersey but have been working there since last September had some island folk cut a tree down to block their driveway. Also, a co-workers wife sends me a petition from trouble making liberal fake non profit group that wants to feed on peoples fears)to block out of state people from coming into Westbrook! I'm not going to go that way, and I am nervous that that thin line of humanity just might crack if this goes on too long.


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...