Monday, September 9, 2019

Wisdom of the Beach Boys

Never a good look.
For reasons far too complex for me to comprehend, so many people are insistent that being fat is just fine and that turning your God-given perfect body into a pile of blubber is acceptable. This is nuts, sort of like saying it's okay to be a heroin addict or to smoke crack or to drink so much your nose turns blue. None of the aforementioned practices are okay.

Last night my husband and I went out to dinner at a local restaurant. As usual we had to change tables several times, and then change seats at the final table we chose so that I could avoid looking at someone really, really fat while I ate. It just makes me lose my appetite, and I was pretty hungry. One young woman who grossed me out was way, way bigger than a polar bear. She could hardly fit into her chair. She was pathetic, and as if often the case, she had such a pretty face!

I wanted to go over there and shake some sense into her, but of course I didn't because, hey, you only change when you want to change. Brian Wilson, the genius behind the Beach Boys, put it this way in, "I Know There's An Answer," one of the great songs on his album Pet Sounds:

"I know so many people who think they can do it alone. They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zones. Now what can you tell them, and what can you say that won't make them defensive?"

"They come on like they're peaceful but inside they're so uptight. They trip through their days and waste all their thoughts at night. Now how can I come on and tell them the way that they live could be better? I know there's an answer, I know now -- but I had to find it by myself."

1 comment:

The Outrageous Arrogance of Janet Mills

Governor Mills As someone living in Maine I feel I can say with complete confidence that our governor, Janet Mills, is a complete and total ...