Thursday, September 5, 2019

Debra Messing's Mess

Oy, that schnoz!
I would like to take this opportunity to..... No wait, let me start over: I would like to jump at the chance to trash the actress Debra Messing in print. The weakest link on a great old TV show called Will & Grace, she was the worst of the four leads even though she was named in the title. (She was Grace.) But she wasn't funny, had a weird big nose even after the nose job and too many teeth that were too white, an obnoxious laugh and was too damn skinny with not the slightest indication of breast tissue, despite being female. Still, I held my tongue because it's not nice to denigrate others in print.

Well, Debbie blew it when she retweeted -- I heard this secondhand since I don't have a Twitter account and if I did I certainly would not follow hers -- an Alabama church sign that stated, “A black vote for Trump is mental illness.” She also has been calling for a full disclosure of Trump’s supporters, arguing that the public should know who is donating to and fundraising for his re-election campaign.

Of course, the misguided folks at the Alabama church who put up the sign on their property are likely white trash, or maybe black Trump-haters, but no matter. Debra is a rich Hollywood Jew who should know better than to joke around about mental illness, or black people, or black people voting, or a church sign or anything to do with the south in the current climate of radical, touchy-feely political correctness. She should stick to bagels and plastic surgeons, and maybe even get that nose done again.

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Good Luck Donald!

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