Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Quickest Way to Happiness

Yesterday, Day Two of my self-imposed house arrest due to the blanketing sleet, ice and snow called "a wintry mix" by the weather people and "a pain in the ass" by everyone else, I was desperate for a diversion. Finally, I thought, I could paint the table I bought at an auction three years ago sitting patiently in the corner of my studio. But I had no paint, at least none that fit the job. 

A work in progress.
Unwilling to shed my comfy flannel PJs and shovel my way out to the hardware store, I hunted around my house and brain for another solution. There, in the lower reaches of a drawer in my art studio, I found it: a sheaf of handmade papers imprinted with exotic designs I had purchased eons ago, knowing I would want them for something, someday. Someday had apparently arrived.

Switching gears, I decided to decoupage the table instead. I got busy and the day flew by. Best of all, I stayed in my PJs the whole time. It was only later that a friend sent me this quote: "To be happy the quickest possible way, choose what you already have." (Werner Erhard, founder of the training known as "est" that operated from 1971-1984.)

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