Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Hillary and Rachel Caught in Russian Love Triangle

Okay, don't get mad but this post has nothing to do with its title; I just wanted to get you here and it was the only way I could be sure you would click. What I really want to talk about is the absurdity of blaming Facebook for bad people, including those mean old Russians who used it for nefarious purposes by suggesting that Hillary Clinton was evil, thus ushering Trump into the White House. They allegedly did this by posing as regular Joes you may have befriended despite their being total strangers, which boils down to Facebook users who befriend total strangers are morons, but that's another post altogether.

Yes, bad people do bad stuff on Facebook. But how is that Mark Zuckerberg's fault? That's like blaming the guns for the deaths in that Florida high school shooting when a guy named Nikolas Cruz did it. Or blaming FEMA Director Michael Brown for all the deaths in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, when everyone finally understands that only the city's Mayor, Ray Nagin (now behind bars for some other crime) could have evacuated the city, not to mention that only God can make a hurricane.

If everyone would stop scrounging around for a scapegoat and accept that bad things happen because damaged children reach adulthood and seek to assuage their pent-up rage and pain by hurting others, perhps things would improve throughout society. I'm not sure, but we must all be doing something really basic really wrong, or things wouldn't be this bad. Every major foul-up can't be Trump's or Zuckerberg's or Putin's or the Republican's fault, can it? And really, if you have to blame someone in human form, consider Rachel Maddow. She is sort of human, although she may actually be the Devil in disguise. (Check out her high school yearbook photo shown above.)

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Good Luck Donald!

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