Friday, November 13, 2015

Recipe for Relaxation

The sanest thing I did all day was go to an office, lie down on a table and have hair-thin needles stuck into my body at various points. Then I just stayed still, with the needles in place, and repeated my mantra to myself over and over. This lasted for a little over an hour, with the needles being readjusted three times, about  every twenty minutes. Soft music played. It was very relaxing and I have no doubt these weekly treatments have contributed to my improved health in recent months.

Sounds nutty to some people, I know. But not as nutty as this: In Paris today, a pack of terrorists went on a shooting spree and killed ten people who were out in a restaurant. There were also explosions at six different locations around the city, killing an additional sixteen people. Now they are saying at least forty people were killed and sixty wounded at a soccer match. As I write this, hostages at a concert hall are being shot one by one.

Now that's nutty. I say acupuncture for all, especially since these terror attacks seem to be happening more often without anyone stopping them.

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