Saturday, November 28, 2015

Questions for My Readers

Many people read this blog yet I rarely get comments from anyone other than my husband and one or two loyal readers who take the time to make their feelings known. Sometimes I wonder if I would get more of a reaction if I said some shocking things calculated to get a rise out of people. But then why would I. Who needs comments, especially from strangers? In fact, I am thankful that I finally shook  that one nut who used to write and say how awful I was all the time. (Hopefully she has died.)

Still, it would be nice to know how people feel on some subjects. For example, one thing I am burning to understand is how Donald Trump remains in the lead according to all the political polls, despite his outrageous behavior and stunning insults aimed at whoever gets in his way. Right behind that is my complete bafflement over Hillary Clinton being someone so many people admire, when all I see is a cheating, lying, conniving shrew with really bad bags under her eyes.

I'd like to understand why so many people are so fascinated by reality TV. How empty must one's own life be that precious hours are squandered watching other people living theirs? And with so many commercials, no less.

Who buys those things from QVC? The clothes are so hideous and unflattering, and that's on the models! Imagine how bad they look once you get them home and put them on your own dumpy body. And yet they sell out constantly, and the callers seem to love them.

Why do so many celebrities end up getting so fat? They can afford personal chefs and home gyms and fitness trainers, still they puff up like Poppin' Fresh on prednisone. (Have you seen Dan Akroyd lately?) It's a mystery.

Lastly, how come so many people still respect the Catholic Church after the revelation that hundreds of its priests were engaging in sexual abuse of young children, a fact that was covered up (and thus condoned) by Church leaders for years, but society is quick to label the Mormons, Scientologists, Christian Scientists and Muslims as evil cultists?

If anyone knows the answers to any of these questions and can also figure out how to leave a comment here, please fill me in.


  1. Well let me be the first....the fascination with Trump is probably (my opinion for whatever that is worth) his bellicose rancid words that perhaps some would like to say but are afraid. He is full of himself (in case you didn't realize that) however, he did "build" an empire (albiet starting with his father's money.) I don't get Hollywood at all...and I certainly don't get why anyone with a miniscule of a brain, vote for Hillary. Perhaps it's cause their parents couldn't vote anyone other than a "D". Otherwise, live and let live.--Mel

  2. I enjoy your blogs.. I wouldn't recommend the attention seeking route, even if that inadvertently helped in the past. I went that way for a while with my art, trying to just do stuff I thought would sell or be popular and it never worked anyway.

    As to your questions, I'm really baffled by Trump, although it seems the popular opinion is either that people are idiots or that he is preying on peoples biases. I can't say I understand reality TV much either, but I'm probably not alone in thinking it has a lot to do with peoples desire to gossip and hear about other peoples lives.

    The Roman Catholic Church is pretty messed up, and having grown up in the church(attended service until 12 and had very religious grandparents, a nun and a monsignor in the family) and moved away from it, it seems even weirder what with all of the saints and rituals and holy people. My guess is that people stayed with it because it's a huge institution that's been around for over a thousand years and so either people want to believe the church is infallible or they turn a blind eye. It's pretty disgusting that they were trying to cover up all of the abuses.--Oz


Something Worse Than Elon

Those foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Muskers are apoplectic over Elon fine-tooth-combing the IRS for fraud, waste and abuse. Led by raging Senato...