Sunday, November 8, 2015

Joke of the Week

If you are extremely overweight you are likely riddled with problems: You have trouble walking up stairs, or just walking. Your clothes feel too tight, you are uncomfortable in summer, you suffer from a host of digestive issues, your breathing is often labored, and of course you look bad naked. Will any of those things improve if you are called "heavy" or "ample" or "big-boned" instead of "fat," which for some reason has been deemed an offensive word? No, not even a little.

Our current Attorney General, with the tacit approval of the current President of the United States, declared last week that the term "juvenile delinquent" is offensive and must be stricken from our collective vocabularies. Going forward, the new term for those young troublemakers shall be "justice-involved youth."

That should cut down on crime.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Justice involved youth is what juvenile delinquents are after they get caught...


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...