Saturday, August 8, 2015

Monkey See, Monkey Do

We all expend a lot of energy on things we claim to dislike. This is a silly waste of time. Instead, we should pay attention to the things we actually find pleasing. Immediately one realizes that politics, television and news have no place in our lives. Let's take a closer look at these three popular pastimes and see how they are robbing us of time, the most important and least secure commodity each one of us owns.

Politics: A total joke, sham, soap opera. Corrupt, insecure, morally bankrupt former nerds striving to be in the spotlight, hungry for the status, power, private jets and invitations to snooty dinner parties populated by more of the same afforded by winning an election after duping regular folks into believing they will make their lives better. They never do, and half of them end up in jail for tax evasion.

Television: Little more than a moving catalog of products for sale, mostly prescription drugs, pizza and all-you-can-eat restaurants, it is populated by more of those striving people hoping for fame and fortune. The worst of our species end up there, and between hearing about what car you should drive or which pill will restore your sexual potency you can see a few minutes of a dumb show that might make you laugh or cry just in case you have forgotten how to do so in real life. Good for nothing except in times of war or tornadoes when you'll find out where it's safe or not safe to be.

News: Calculated to increase your blood pressure and thus sell more of those prescription drugs, the news exists to make money for the man behind the curtain. Little of it will impact you directly. For example, knowing that four Bangladeshi bloggers critical of Islam were hacked to death or that 57 immigrants drowned in a boat off the coast of somewhere you never heard of changes absolutely nothing in your life, except maybe to make you anxious and take more of those prescription drugs you've heard so much about on TV.

So you see, it all comes down to this: taking drugs. So the next time you want to read the news, watch TV or listen to a politician spout off, smoke a different drug that will enhance your life and go outside and dig in the dirt and plant a garden in your yard. Or maybe get some paint and canvas and make a masterpiece. Read a book or perhaps write one. Call your mother, your father or your best friend. Paint the bedroom, do the laundry, polish the silverware. Organize your closets, iron your sheets, clean out the junk drawer.

You will feel a lot better and be missing nothing at all.

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