Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Guessing Game

Study the photo shown below, then choose one of the following to explain it:

1. The woman is one of those nasty illegal aliens Donald Trump complains about.

2. A teen-age rape victim who was left only with her coat, shoes and handbag.

3. A newly-arrived prison inmate waiting for her orange jumpsuit.

4. A client of the Hunger in America Project.

5. A model in a photo-illustration for an article about the dangers of anorexia.

6. A battered and abused woman found wandering the streets of New York City.

7. An ad for a shampoo specifically formulated for extra-dry and over-bleached hair.

8. A Wall Street Journal ad ($398,147.58) appealing to today's most fashionable women.

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Good Luck Donald!

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