Saturday, January 19, 2013

On Semantics

Sometimes parents and their grown children have trouble communicating, almost as if they are speaking different languages. It can be hard to not take offense when you're not up to speed on the current meanings of words. For example, when I was young, calling something "cool" had nothing to do with its temperature. In much the same way, a member of today's younger generation may call something "sick," but that does not imply illness. In fact, it's a good thing--a compliment, really. You actually want to be sick in today's lingo, just like one time you probably wanted to be cool.

Similarly, "stay the fuck out of my face" might sound like a negative to an untrained ear, almost all the way to insulting. But really it means, "You are the best mom ever and I love you a lot. I just need some space." Yes, the more I think about it--I'm sure that's what he meant.


  1. we should maybe publish a dictionary. so they will know what a slap in the mouth really means, eh?

  2. no Andrea, you have it all wrong. It means, "thanks mom for paying for my college education and grocery bills". Get with it!


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...