Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hey, It's Punxsutawney Sean!

I may have finally figured out why Democrats hate Republicans, and it all boils down to two words: Sean Hannity. There are some other words too, like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, but they at least have functioning brains whereas Sean Hannity clearly does not, a conclusion one may draw based on his hairstyle alone. (What century does he think this is?) Anyway, Sean is crazily focused on one thing and one thing only, and that is to get Obama out of office. In fact, he says so right at the beginning of his three-hour daily radio rant: "Welcome to the Stop Obama Express!" The man is out of his gourd, plain and simple.

Every day is Groundhog Day for Sean, and the result is always the same: He sees his own shadow and there's four more years of Obama. More evidence of his mania lies in the fact that he denies the President any shred of a chance to perform well, and refuses to report on any good Obama ever has done or promises to do. He is still harping on Reverend Wright, still hints about the birth certificate issue, and loves Sarah Palin, hosting her often and calling her Governor! Need I say more?  His behavior is not normal, if you ask me. The last person we saw so rabidly wedded to and blinded by his own opinion was Keith Olbermann, and we all know where he ended up: The glue factory.

Imagine if we were left to consider the issues by ourselves, without the incessant yammering of Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Jon Stewart, Donald Trump, that weird Ed guy, and all the rest of the tilted, jilted, jaded and slanted sociopaths in the media who earn their keep by distorting the truth and creating polls to support the distortions. For all we know, the Democrats and the Republicans might not be as far apart on the issues as they tell us we are are. (Except for Sean, of course, and my husband's rabid cousins who are knee-jerk Democrats--and I do mean jerks.)


  1. Thats Roto-Rouda: fair and balanced!

    Fun to see you call out both sides.

    And yeah, the hair (although I am a little jealous)

  2. thanks to you, I now know what Sean Hannity looks like. and have made a note to promptly forget.


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...