Saturday, June 30, 2012

He's Got My Vote

Here we are with the Fourth of July festivities around the corner and America is still fat. I know I am, despite swearing last New Year's Eve that this year I would finally get down to my fighting weight. I have not, and I wonder why. Possibly because it's still legal to overeat.

In some circles, it's more than just unhealthy to pig out, it's fiscally unwise. Movie stars earn fabulous sums of money and build lavish homes in the Hollywood Hills with seven bathrooms and home gyms and edgeless pools overlooking the Pacific just by shunning Snickers and Whoppers and fries and nachos and deep-fried sea creatures hawked at state fairs nationwide, while the rest of us gobble it all up, feeding not only our faces but the morally bankrupt food industry. Monsanto is not the only devil; the Mars company certainly has some explaining to do. If you can stand it, take a look around and you'll see that gobs and gobs of fat are everywhere, except perhaps on singer Jennifer Hudson who admittedly looks great after doing Weight Watchers.

Americans are huge and show no signs of slimming down no matter how many pushups Michelle Obama does or how few potatoes are served in school lunches. The grim truth is that obesity fuels the American economy; a stroll through any supermarket or a quick stop at any convenience store proves that. Marijuana is still illegal, but the poisons inside all those colorful boxes with the fun names and eye-catching lettering are not. And despite the rise in our health care costs and the lowering of our physical fitness, anyone can go out in broad daylight and boldly buy Snickers, Three Musketeers, M & Ms, Doritos, Fritos, Bugles, Ritz Crackers, Gobstoppers, Twizzlers, Twix, Skittles, Rolos, Kit-Kat Bars, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi, Twinkies, Sno-Balls, Oreos and all those crappy cereals that pretend to be good for you in some way but are just as junky, only with added fiber. 

What I want from my president is a leader who truly, deeply, sincerely cares about the people. I would vote for anyone who promised to outlaw these products--and while he's at it, legalize pot. Now there's a platform.


  1. I thought YOU were running.....for president, I mean.

    1. I decided there are too many skeletons in my closet.

  2. The health care bill was touted to reduce the cost of healthcare by requiring EVERYONE to buy into insurance, including the estimated 36% of Americans who obese. I know have to buy into insurance that covers those who CHOOSE to eat fast food, fill up on 'mega gulps,' and don't exercise. As healthy and active guy, my insurance will undoubtedly be higher and more expensive because I have to pay for other peoples actions and decisions. A healthcare bill that focused on penalizing poor food decisions (sugar tax) and rewarded healthy lifestyles seems to be a more effective way of reducing our healthcare costs.

    1. I agree with you, T! Make your voice heard at the polls!

  3. Thanks for spamming our blog. For anyone who isn't a jerk just looking to judge people & likes to read funny posts about snacks, check out .

    1. He certainly makes it sound attractive, doesn't he....

  4. Slim and healthy reader of Fatguyfoodblog here: This blog post is surprisingly well written considering how stupid the message is. All hail strawberry uncrustables!!

    1. Why, thank you so much Slim and Healthy! I accept all compliments, even back-handed ones.

  5. So, you want to outlaw junk food and legalize pot?

    That's just cruel.

    Seriously, haven't we learned anything from prohibition? Making something illegal just makes people want it more.

    I do agree with you about Monsanto, GMOs, and high fructose corn syrup (though you don't specifically mention that)- but you can still make fattening food without chemicals and hormones- butter, sugar, milk and flour are all you need- and you can buy them all organic. Then you have organic brownies, but are they healthy? Not a chance.


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