Monday, June 11, 2012

315 Things That Make Me Miserable

·      Big trucks on the highway
·      Bugs
·      RV’s ahead of me on the highway
·      Thunderstorms
·      Rape
·      Murder
·      Funnel cakes
·      Boils
·      Cancer
·      Skin rashes
·      Mosquito bites
·      Undertow
·      Bad relatives
·      Snakes
·      Icy roads
·      Surgery
·      People in the audience talking at the movies
·      Cancelled flights
·      Buying food and getting it home and finding out it’s spoiled
·      Rancid milk
·      Running out of cat food in a snowstorm
·      Cat vomit
·      Splinters
·      Hemorrhoids
·      Dining in restaurants with large groups
·      Holidays when the banks are closed
·      The lawn guy coming on a day when I'm trying to write
·      Sharing a lane at a public pool
·      Fat ladies naked in the locker room at the Y
·      Chunk light tuna
·      Crabgrass
·      Jellyfish
·      Sunburned skin
·      Crowds at the beach
·      Starving children in Africa
·      Pictures of starving children in Africa on the front page of the New York Times
·      Smoking
·      Cigarettes being legal
·      Headaches
·      Hiccups
·      A bad acid trip
·      Bees
·      Spider bites
·      Getting stopped by a cop
·      Car trouble
·      The fuel warning light in my car coming on
·      Hard-boiled eggs that won’t peel
·      Not getting my newspaper delivery
·      A too-easy Sunday Times crossword puzzle
·      Worrying I might get Alzheimer’s
·      The prep you drink before a colonoscopy
·      A flat tire
·      Root canals
·      Unexplained pain that goes away
·      Child abduction
·      Brainless bimbos making a lot of money
·      Dictators
·      Breaking a nail and not having an emery board
·      Having to host my husband’s boring business associates
·      Eating bad food to avoid hurting the cook's feelings
·      Playing Scrabble with people who can’t play
·      Playing Bridge
·      Bleeding-heart liberals who hate everyone who isn’t one
·      Bill Maher
·      Rachel Maddow
·      Overcooked hamburgers
·      When the waitress doesn’t see my food sitting under warming lights but I do
·      Bready pizza crust
·      Food poisoning
·      Mildew on locker room floors
·      Over-chlorinated swimming pools
·      Bush-bashing years after he’s been out of office
·      Made up names like La J’twandA or NeKeiSha
·      Women marrying for money
·      Bathing suits with skirts
·      Fat women in bathing suits with skirts
·      Flip-flops
·      Waking up from anesthesia
·      People against the death penalty who favor abortion
·      Instant coffee
·      Bedbugs
·      No air-conditioning in summer
·      Too loud air-conditioning
·      Religious music
·      Priests
·      Nuns
·      Traffic jams that  disperse with no apparent cause
·      Polyester clothing
·      Spray-painted daisies sold in supermarkets
·      Female news commentators with big earrings showing a lot of cleavage
·      Pumping my own gas
·      Bad movies
·      Bad TV
·      Laugh tracks on TV sitcoms
·      Lady Gaga
·      Frizzy hair
·      Wall-to-wall carpeting
·      Stained wall–to-wall carpeting
·      Non-kosher hot dogs
·      Mean cops
·      The flu
·      Stomach problems
·      Being nauseous
·      Bike riding uphill
·      Calling my son and him not answering and not calling me back
·      Having high blood pressure
·      Getting too stoned
·      Getting drunk
·      Bad wine
·      Instant oatmeal
·      Olive Garden restaurants
·      All-you-can-eat restaurants
·      Shirley Temple movies
·      Shirley Temple
·      Sitcoms about dating
·      Dr. Phil
·      TV talk shows
·      TV quiz shows
·      Late night comedy shows
·      Commercials
·      Advertising
·      Dead flowers in a vase
·      Swallowing water in a swimming pool
·      Noisy leaf blowers
·      Cold food that’s supposed to be hot
·      Ice cubes with a taste
·      Stale chocolate
·      Burned coffee
·      Too little sleep
·      Liars
·      Phonies
·      Bad cell phone service
·      Robocalls
·      Foreign call centers when you think you are calling locally
·      Frozen foods
·      Reading about starving children in other countries
·      Pictures of wounded soldiers in the news
·      Junk charity mail with gifts inside as enticement
·      Movie ads that say it’s great when the reviews say it sucks
·      Escaped convicts within 100 miles of where I am
·      Dust bunnies under the furniture
·      German Shepherd dogs
·      Stray dogs in alleys
·      Skunks
·      Dead animals by the side of the road, especially cats and dogs
·      Deformity
·      A long line in the ladies’ room but the handicapped stall is free
·      Non-Hellman’s mayo 
·      Stupid modern art installations
·      Performance art
·      Organized religion
·      Pretending Tater-Tots are food
·      Fat kids raised on Tater-Tots
·      Driving behind a garbage truck
·      10-lane super highways
·      Driving over bridges 
·      Emergency landings
·      Too-soft pillows
·      Bad hotel beds
·      Full litter boxes in other people’s bathrooms right next to the toilet
·      Cleaning ladies who can’t understand your instructions
·      Fortune cookies packaged in cellophane
·      Heat waves
·      Japanese beetles
·      Serial murderers
·      Jersey barriers on highways
·      Wrong numbers who hang up without apologizing
·      Tight shoes
·      Blisters
·      Very hot weather
·      Fake leather
·      Feeling full after a big meal
·      Television on in the background during a phone call
·      Black sitcoms where all the characters are stupid except the mom, who is obese
·      Do-rags on hoodlums
·      Riding the bus
·      Tsunamis that wipe out entire villages
·      Tornadoes that flatten entire towns
·      Hurricanes that destroy homes
·      TV commercials showing starving orphans
·      TV commercials showing tortured dogs and cats
·      Fat women in shorts
·      Above-ground swimming pools
·      Corn dogs
·      Deep-fried Oreo cookies
·      Cold soup that is intended to be eaten hot
·      Thomas Kincaid calling himself the “Painter of Light”
·      Paintings by Thomas Kincaid
·      Kidnap victims who stay with the kidnapper until adulthood
·      TV commercials for other TV shows on after the one I’m watching
·      Whoopie Goldberg thinking she has talent
·      Whoopie Goldberg making money
·      Sun stroke
·      Sun poisoning
·      Late-term abortions
·      Reading subtitles in movies instead of watching the film
·      Natural childbirth
·      Wrong diagnoses
·      Politicians spending millions on advertising themselves
·      Political lawn signs
·      Political bumper stickers
·      Fear of having a stroke
·      Skiing
·      AIDS
·      Gay Pride Day anywhere; what about all the other days?
·      Movies about the Holocaust
·      Bad books becoming best sellers
·      Oprah Winfrey making bad books best sellers by just mentioning them
·      My son’s girlfriends ignoring me
·      Worrying about terrorist attacks
·      Flying in bad weather
·      Turbulence on an airplane
·      Overweight stewardesses
·      Having to keep my seat in an upright position on an airplane
·      Microwaving food and having the food still be cold but the plate be hot
·      Insomnia
·      Throwing up
·      The word “vomit”
·      Marijuana being illegal
·      Guns being legal
·      Remembering my father waking up in the ICU on a respirator
·      Remembering my mother in a nursing home
·      Having a miscarriage
·      My son texting someone else while I'm trying to talk to him
·      The fact that some people are ugly and some are beautiful
·      Babies born blind
·      Children with cancer
·      Breaking a tooth
·      Not winning the lottery
·      My husband not letting me read in bed because he has to get up early
·      Brain injuries
·      Pit bull owners insisting it’s all in how you train them
·      Ghettos
·      Slums just down the road from the White House
·      Slamming doors
·      Unripe fruit
·      Jumping to conclusions
·      Coca-Cola
·      Ice cream that doesn’t melt in the dish when you’re done with it
·      Divorce lawyers who try to get you angrier at your spouse
·      Identical twins who think they’re so special
·      Men who lie about their height
·      Excess food packaging
·      Self-checkout aisles at the supermarket
·      Car alarms that go off if you walk too close
·      Sirens
·      The fact that they still teach Shakespeare in high school
·      Book clubs where nobody reads the book
·      High-pressure salespeople
·      Your husband running out of gas when you’re also in the car
·      Weeds
·      Christmas cactus that blooms at the wrong time of year
·      Everyone all over America eating the same meal at Thanksgiving
·      Sappy greeting cards
·      New Yorker cartoons with those two black dots underneath them
·      Bad art
·      Target shoppers calling it “Tarjay” as if it’s a classy French place
·      Jehovah’s Witnesses telling me about God like I don’t already know
·      Renovators at my house
·      Sand flies
·      Biased news organizations
·      Religious fanatics
·      Spam email
·      Knock-off handbags
·      Calorie-laden Starbucks drinks masquerading as coffee
·      People drinking Starbucks drinks and thinking they’re dieting
·      GAP clothing made in China, Taiwan, Majorca and the Philippines
·      Rich ladies bringing their little dogs into restaurants
·      My only child’s bleak outlook on life and blaming me for it
·      My dysfunctional extended family
·      Answering the phone
·      Getting my hair cut and styled
·      Getting wrinkles
·      Friends who talk behind my back
·      Relatives who always want to borrow money
·      Spilling red wine on a white blouse
·      Motel rooms with bare light bulbs
·      Overpriced candy and nuts in hotel mini-bars
·      Checks that bounce
·      Prowlers
·      Anonymous comments online
·      Bad novels by Nora or Delia Ephron
·      Country music about dogs that died
·      Ending your dog’s life but calling it “putting him down”
·      Too many handicapped parking spaces
·      Elevators
·      Rotten pistachio nuts in with all good ones
·      The circus
·      Zoos
·      Puppies in cages in pet shop windows
·      Commercial applications of famous paintings
·      Beatles songs used in advertising
·      Aging celebrities who get fat
·      Having to use crutches
·      Ice cubes frozen into a lump in the freezer
·      Power outages
·      Movie popcorn
·      Food with too much salt
·      Bad jokes that aren’t funny
·      MOMA in New York City charging $20 to get in
·      Bumper stickers that say “My Child Is an Honor Student”
·      Cars covered with a lot of bumper stickers
·      People who are late for appointments
·      Doctors keeping you waiting
·      Backaches
·      Fender benders
·      Driving in snow
·      Caesar salad made with iceberg lettuce and no anchovies
·      Ham 
·      Speedo bathing suits on men
·      School buses without seat belts
·      Sitting between two fat people on an airplane
·      Sitting behind someone with big hair at the theater
·      People sneezing and coughing in public


  1. I think your obsession with fat trumps polyester.

    1. definitely! Polyester never killed anyone. I can stand it, whereas fat is evil, especially my own....

  2. How long did this take to write. You make me proud !
    PS; Mike B. sounded strong and healthy tonight.

    1. Alan: Wrote this over a period of a few months, jotting down a few whenever I thought of it. Not all at once!

  3. did you use an ap for tallying the large number?

    1. When I wrote the list it was a numbered list, then I ditched the numbers.


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