Naturally I'm scared of mice, but who isn't.
I am somewhat afraid that I will be driving down the road and a drunk driving the wrong way will hit me head-on, killing me on impact. Sometimes I worry a speeding ambulance will crash into me.
I am somewhat afraid that one or all of my cats will be eaten by a larger animal in the woods behind my house.
I am sort of afraid that my son will marry someone who doesn't like me and I will never see him again, except at my funeral which of course means I will never see him again. This relates to my fear that my husband will ignore my wishes and give me a funeral, which I don't want because I'm sure I would look terrible.
I worry I will start eating all the foods I have denied myself over the years and "let myself go" and never come back.
I am fearful a shark will bite my legs off when I enter the ocean. In lakes I just worry about piranhas or other big fish with teeth.
Those fears are not the ones that keep me up at night. These do:
I am afraid my blood pressure will make my head explode; I would take a sedative as suggested by my doctor but I worry I will become addicted to the sedatives.
Finding a lump during a breast self-exam is scary, so I don't do them very often which rightfully scares me.
I worry the furnace in the basement will blow up and kill me while I'm sleeping, which of course keeps me awake. So then I'll be wide awake when it happens, and I wonder which is worse.
Stop it!!! You only should worry about what you can control. I am sure the witch in the Wizard of Oz didn't have houses landing on her as one of her fears. She had no control over the situation, so she continued to be a B*!*@. Then again, look what it got her.
Deneb says: I think your fears make you cute.