Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Morning After

Word to the wise dieter: Do not eat Chinese food.

Last night my husband and I threw caution to the wind and entered a Chinese restaurant, something we have not done in two years. We figured, what the hay...we'll order carefully. (And besides, if I have to eat in one of the four restaurants in Freeport one more time I will go on a bloody rampage.)

The China Rose was a totally new place for us even though it's next door to the sushi place we frequent, right in the center of town. It was all so exciting--the glittering Christmas lights, the Buddha statuary, the fake pagodas, the murals--it seemed like we had gone on vacation to a foreign land!

We did order carefully--broiled jumbo shrimp and chicken with veggies, no battered anything--but still, the waitress brought those crispy, fried-calorie noodles and we all but snorted them like coke addicts after a dry spell. Then there was the salty and glutinous stew, I mean the hot and sour soup,  which was really, really good. And of course rice, of which I partook liberally and which Mitch rejected. (He is so strong.)

This morning we each had gained three pounds. One question: How come Chinese people are so thin?

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