In law, unring the bell is an analogy used to suggest the difficulty of forgetting information once it is known.
Reading the slanted opinion section of yesterday's New York Times, which I do with trepidation since it usually causes me to have conniptions, I came across an article that seemed worthy. Until I saw the byline: Jeffrey Toobin. While the accompanying bio identified him as the author of a forthcoming book, all I could think of was the once-respectable lawyer jerking off in full view of his colleagues at The New Yorker during a 2020 Zoom call.
Obviously Toobin has been forgiven by the powers that be since he was re-hired as a talking head at CNN and found a publisher for that forthcoming book. But he'll never be back in my good graces, as long as I still have a functioning memory. Bad behavior is something that sticks, at least with me. That's why the name Bill Clinton still conjures up visions of cigars and a stained blue dress, even though his transgression with Monica Lewinsky happened almost 30 years ago.I know -- we are supposed to forgive and forget. But I don't. Sue me. As the old saying goes, "You can't unring a bell." So whenever I see Jeffrey Toobin, his pants are down around his knees. (Bill Clinton's too.)
I’ve noticed that every time Toobin is on CNN he is sitting at a glass table 🤣🤣🤣