Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Words With Friends Is Nuts

When my mother died of early onset Alzheimer's at the age of 62, one of her doctors told me I should play word games like Scrabble and daily crossword puzzles as they would help stave off the deadly disease. I followed his advice and still do to this day, even though I am now too old to get early onset anything. One of the simplest to play is Words With Friends, since I can do it anywhere and on my phone. Usually I play with living, breathing humans, a.k.a. friends, but sometimes I play with the game's robots.

I have long known that WWF is sort of moronic, since many words that are acceptable I have never heard before. When I check the game's own dictionary for their meaning, it frequently says, "This is a valid word but we have no definition at this time." Pretty crazy, huh? At that point I look it up in a conventional dictionary and find out it means something like, "a thorny shrub that grows on the eastern edge of Adalar, an island off the coast of Istanbul," or "an obsolete coin used for trading by African bushmen in the 13th century."

But this latest incident made me know for sure that not only is the game run by robots, but they are dumb robots, certainly not of the high caliber as those working at the Tesla factory. The following two screen shots illustrate this point:

Bot plays EJIDOS for 18 points.

Dictionary says EJIDOS not valid.

The same thing happened when playing with a friend, with the word PEDO. The game took it but the dictionary said it was not a valid word. Go figure. I still play the game but have lost all respect for it, and for myself. But hey, I'm not demented yet.

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