Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tongues Wagging

Fresh on the heels of Emma Stone winning an Oscar for inserting all sorts of things into her vagina on-screen in her latest film comes the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, wherein Larry David is seen performing cunnilingus on a woman he has just met, following their very first date. Apparently our standards for viewing bad behavior have sunk even lower than the usual swamp-like habitats we have all become used to.

Personally I am not against vaginas or even cunnilingus, although I do find it somewhat icky-yucky to reflect on what the cunnilinguist may have eaten recently and what sort of germs are being transferred into my body, resulting in any of a number of unpleasant infections, but hey -- that's just me. What I do object to is the loss of personal pride, dignity and self-respect that is being telegraphed to young girls who watch these forms of entertainment and consequently believe their bodies are public playgrounds. 

There's even a book about it: "The Cunnilinguist is a refreshingly modern guide to oral sex with a sense of humor. Written by a woman with experience at both ends of the tongue, this guide will build your confidence in giving—or receiving—oral sex."

1 comment:

  1. I guess “vagina tongues wagging” wasn’t allowed?


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