Friday, November 5, 2021

Institutionalized Lying

It's not just politicians and doctors; liars are everywhere. Yesterday I went to the L.L. Bean store to buy some sheets. I was looking for Egyptian cotton, the best ones if you ask me, and worth the extra price. I know for a fact that I bought them at Bean's about five years ago, so I keep going back hoping that my ship has come in. 

I have done this about every four months for the last two years, and each time I've been told, "They are on back order, they should arrive in a few weeks." But this time the sales clerk added something new: "You know -- it's the supply chain thing."

"Seriously? Because I've been told the same thing for two years, and there was no supply chain problem before now," I said. "Why not just say Bean's doesn't carry them anymore?"

"I just work here," she said with a shrug. "They tell us to say they are on back order."

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Good Luck Donald!

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