Monday, May 17, 2021

Hurry Up, Joe

To some people everything is political, even if it isn't. I know this because I often fraternize with many hard-core, dyed-in-the-wool, frozen-to-the-spot Democrats. These people fall into the category of "friends," even though we share little philosophically.

Being a registered Independent, meaning my thoughts are self-generated rather than dictated to me by Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow, I am tiring of hearing how Trump "bungled the response'' to the coronavirus. I was there, and it seemed to me he did as much as anyone humanly could to go after an unknown virus that came out of nowhere, or China if you're a realist. By the time Trump left office, one million doses of the vaccine had been administered, and enough doses for the entire nation were on order, bought and paid for. And that was less than a year after the onset of the pandemic, and Anthony Fauci's prediction that it would take four years to develop a vaccine.

Yet just a few days ago a close friend of mine said that "everyone knows Trump did nothing" about the virus. And another friend told me that "all Republicans are anti-vaxxers who don't wear masks." Which is poppycock plain and simple since I know many Republicans who eagerly were vaccinated and do wear masks, my husband among them.

I can certainly handle a little misinformation from my friends, especially if it makes them happy, so I shrug it off, even though part of me thinks that if we lived in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust, many of them would be the ones directing me to the showers. (Except Teresa and Jim, who would hide me in their basement.) Anyway, all of this should stop soon since Biden said he would "unite the country.'' I can't wait.

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