Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Film Review: LIMITLESS

Released in 2011 and now streaming on Netflix, Limitless is a psychological thriller worth several viewings. Not only is the plot complicated enough to warrant it, but it's just so much fun to watch.

Bradley Cooper plays Eddie Morra, a down-on-his-heels writer on the verge of becoming a homeless bum. He's a mess: he's got writer's block and needs a shower, a shave, a haircut and a decent meal. When his girlfriend (Abbie Cornish) breaks up with him, he spirals downward towards a pit of despair. Then suddenly help arrives in the form of his ex-brother-in-law, who offers a tiny pill he promises will allow Eddie to use 100% of his brain, not just the 20% we all supposedly use.

Turns out it's true, and within 30 seconds of swallowing a dose of NZT, Eddie is brilliant. Even his eyes are bluer. He cleans up his apartment, starts working out, and turns himself into the handsome Bradley Cooper we all know and love today. On NZT, he stuns his agent by finishing his book, then decides he wants more out of life and plunges into the world of high finance. In no time he's the hottest trader on Wall Street, attracting the attention of the richest man in the world, or close to it, played by Robert DeNiro who turns in a lackluster performance, the film's only sour note.

But all is not blissful brilliance: NZT comes with a heavy dose of violent thugs who want the drugs and will do anything, like "slicing you at the waist and pulling your skin up over your head," to get them. The plot thickens, ridiculously so. Eddie learns that most of the people who took the drug regularly are either very sick or dead. What a dilemma: have a great life and die soon or stay dumb and dull and live longer!

Lots of blood and gore, a possible murder charge, and the return of Eddie's girlfriend all are a result of his taking those little pills. Still, blackouts and beatings aside, he's moving up in the world, eventually entering the world of politics by running for Senator. Enough with the spoilers. Just watch it; you can thank me later.

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