Sunday, February 14, 2016

Culture Vultures

A few days ago, driving to the post office, I swerved to avoid a dead squirrel lying in the middle of the road. Five minutes later, on my way home, I passed the little guy again. By then three crows were feasting on its carcass. Several times later that day and the next, I walked past the grisly scene and it was always the same: Huge black crows jockeying for position to get at the tastiest morsels of the diminishing dead squirrel. The birds barely even looked up as cars drove by, so intent on their prize were they.

I was reminded of that carnivorous feast when the death of Justice Antonin Scalia was announced last night, and all the politicians -- the real ones and the armchair variety -- zeroed in on the news. Even more offensive than the babble during the televised GOP debate about whether or not a new justice would be appointed by our sitting president were the remarks on Facebook from people who have achieved nothing of merit themselves, yet were quick to applaud Scalia's passing with snarky comments simply because they disagreed with his political views.

Scalia was our longest-serving Supreme Court justice. He attended Georgetown University and obtained his law degree from Harvard Law School. His long career included the practice of law, the teaching of law, and service to several presidents before joining the Supreme Court. It is simply shocking that some of the more retarded members of my husband's extended family find his death an occasion for celebration. What a bunch of bird brains!

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