Thursday, February 11, 2016

Bibi for President

Him I could vote for!
Suddenly it hit me: I do not love my country. How could anyone? Things are a mess here, and the future looks grim, what with our choices for president being either A Rock or A Hard Place, no matter who wins the nominations. So, casting about for a new homeland, Israel came to mind. Last night I did some investigating online and stumbled upon an article entitled "10 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Moving to Israel."

Naturally I read it and lo and behold, every one of the author's complaints was music to my ears. For example, the citizens are gruff and outspoken! Me too! Everyone is impatient! Me too! Spontaneity trumps long-range planning beyond two weeks, probably because the people can't be sure they even have two weeks! Spontaneity is my middle name! The people are superstitious! Me too! (Bite your tongue.) They treat strangers like family! Great, because I could use some family! Best of all, there's tons of Jewish foods in all the Jewish restaurants, and ever better, tons of Jews eating inside them! Finally I can be one of the crowd and not "that pushy New York Jew who says whatever she thinks." (The nerve.)

All kidding aside, I am seriously looking into this. There is no way I'm sticking around for a President Trump or a President Hillary, and no way anyone here is going to elect a President Sanders. But in Israel, the president is always a Jew!

1 comment:

  1. I loved my short time in Israel. It's reminded me more of America than anyplace else I've been. I don't think Maine represents most of America very well... outspoken, spontaneous, etc, all describe your average American quite well. Maine? not so much.

    I'm looking forward to my return there late spring.



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