Saturday, September 19, 2015

Learning From Past Mistakes

Okay, so I fell off the wagon, or maybe I got back on, I'm never quite sure of that expression. Anyway, I went back to Facebook, mostly so I could post this blog and reach my former readers who, based on my blog stats, were not finding it. And I'm glad I did, since this morning I saw a question posted by a friend that was brilliant, and one of the best I have ever seen on that sometimes silly website. The question was this: "What is the one piece of advice you would give your younger self?"

The answers were staggeringly on target, given that the questioner was my own son who is 27 and most of the respondents are his peers. They were all wise beyond their years, and made me see that despite their non-stop texting, tweeting and Tindering, many young adults today possess incredible powers of reasoning and great insight. I suggest that anyone reading this ask him or herself the same question, and then take their own advice starting right now.

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My Challenge to Katie Couric

Perky though she may be, or may have been in her younger days when she was paid to be, Katie Couric is no brainiac. Calling half of America ...