Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who You Callin' Black?

Texas Governor Rick Perry, in a speech yesterday at the Iowa State Fair-- and what better place for politicians to hawk their snake oil--dubbed our national debt "a big, black cloud hanging over America."  The formerly Reverend Al Sharpton, who is now less reverend and earns his living looking for racial slurs made by Republicans, expressed shock and outrage at this blatant and ugly reference to Barack Obama, who you all may remember is black.

How ridiculous! Obviously Perry, a dead ringer for a child molester if you ask me, was talking about Sharpton himself. The confusion came from his incorrect analogy: Al is much more of a windbag than a cloud, and since his diet of a few years ago he is now quite thin, making an accurate epithet for him a "small, black windbag hanging over America."

Can't those guys get anything straight?

1 comment:

  1. love this
    you always get to the heart of it so fast and so deliciously at the same time


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