Friday, August 19, 2011

What Thornton Knew

Everyone wants to know everything; being right is so important and if you are wrong you are just a dummy. The good news is that these days it is so easy to be right, all you have to do is Google it! If you have an iPhone like my husband, every fact is at your fingertips. And if you have a computer, like everyone else, you know about things you don't even know about, like Jesse is back with Kat and Kim's wedding will cost 20 million, and that new princess in England is refusing to eat, and her sister Pippa is suddenly out of favor with the press. Jen still has a hot bikini body and a 10-year-old cover girl is infuriating mothers who think it is wrong to sexualize children. Several Israelites were killed in the Gaza--what else is new. Obama's popularity is sinking along with the Dow, and Apple will unveil its new iPad in 2012 and it will be much better than the one you just bought, and get ready for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, this will be big according to Mayor Bloomberg.

But nowhere, nobody, no website, no TV station, no newspaper reporter seems to know what happens after we die or what we should be doing while we are here, and nobody seems to care-- how odd! The closest we've got is when Emily comes back to life for a day in Thornton Wilder's play, "Our Town," which granted was only his personal take on life after death but it's the best I've ever come across. I will go read it again right now.


  1. Just make sure you don't use your new website ( All the information is wrong. Such as...there is life after death.



Mixed -Up Morals

Facebook slapped me on the wrist again today. I was a bad girl and my punishment is that I cannot post any comments on videos until December...