Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weenie Roast

So the sexting and texting congressboy, Anthony Weiner (D, NY), has mercifully decided to resign after all, but will not necessarily go quietly into the night. Who knows what's next for him? If some other bigwigs are any example, the sky's the limit: Former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer, aka Client # 9, got his very own TV show after getting kicked out of office, and ex-prez Bill Clinton was crowned the Greatest Politician Who Ever Lived despite his numerous affairs and eventual impeachment. (I know, I know, he was acquitted, but still....)

Naturally, Mr. Weiner plans to seek treatment for whatever ails him, but I'm not clear on what that is. It could be almost anything afflicting the modern political male: self-absorption, delusions of grandeur, abuse of power, uncontrollable ego bursts or simply a bad case of the Peter Pan Syndrome. The latter seems to affect many men, not just politicians, and is the reason so many of them refer to their spouses as "my old lady" or "my better half." Which reminds me: Weiner's wife is pregnant. If I were her, I'd line up another labor coach ASAP.

1 comment:

Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...