Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Looking for Directions

HOROSCOPES are funny things. We all know they can't be true, yet we read them and find truth, somehow overlooking the impossibility of everyone born in the month of June having simultaneous life experiences. And then there are those written about your exact birth date, like those "If Today Is Your Birthday...." snippets in the newspaper. Could every June 5th celebrant find a new love or a better job or reach a turning point on the very same day as I will? Not possible, yet being a textbook Gemini I keep reading, hoping for hints.

This morning my online horoscope says: "The transitions that began last month were simply setting the table for the major changes you're facing now. The main player in this story is a Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 1. This supercharged New Moon shines a laser at the core of your being, challenging you to examine your life's purpose and direction."

So far, despite it being June 1, the laser shining at the core of my being has not illuminated much. I just returned home, bitter and despondent, from a 10 AM car repair appointment to fix my broken turn signals and running lights, but when I arrived they said they were down one mechanic and couldn't get to it until later today, if at all. Tomorrow was booked and Friday was no better.

What am I to think? Could my life's purpose be to drive around with my arm out the window making old-fashioned turn signals? Am I meant to stay home nights? Of course, I have the whole day to go yet, so who knows, but thus far all I know is that VIP Auto let me down and I need to find a new mechanic.


  1. Just like you can see anything in the clouds, tea leaves, drinking too much, psychics, tarot cards or the Ouija boards, it is all what you WANT to see.

    Change your mechanic to someone else. That is what the light is telling you.

    May the force be with you.


  2. Since you are stuck at home anyway, use the opportunity to Google the RadioLab episode on stochasticity and listen to it.


Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...