Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How Not to Get Fat

My areas of expertise are few and include cooking, painting and dieting. There are so many books on those subjects already, I have little to add of merit, except for the latter. All the popular diet tools available commercially have one thing in common: they are destined to fail, thus keeping you going back for more. I feel confident that my 3-Step Plan for Losing Weight and Staying Thin is without peer. It is also free. Here it is:
1. You have to want to lose weight more than you want to eat those foods that tempt you.
2. Once you get to your goal weight, you have to like being thin more than you liked being fat.
3. Never set foot in a Chinese restaurant.

That's it. The rest is easy, and involves all that stuff you already know, like no candy, cake, soda, muffins, pasta, rice, pies, cookies, bagels, ice cream, french fries and chips on a daily basis. This does not mean you can never have those things, and in fact if you outlaw them you are destined to fail and go "off your diet" and get even fatter. Trust me, I know. But the longer you avoid them, the less you will want them, until they just won't even seem like food anymore!

Two more rules for the rule-lovers: #1. Snacks should be things that grow on trees or in the ground rather than things from a box or bag in the supermarket.  #2. Eat a big breakfast.


  1. When people ask me how I lost 50 pounds I always give them the same answer: diet and exercise. Like duh.

    Also, typo alert in your item #1 above, missing a word "to"


  2. (Thanks for the edit.)
    You are right, exercise is a big component, but many overweight people simply won't do it until they lose a few pounds and feel better about their bodies...

  3. my best advice on weight loss: be happy, be in love.

  4. Deneb: Oh please. Mitch and I are no more or less happy and no more or less in love now than when we each weighed a lot more, unless you count how happy we both
    are to be thinner!


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