Tuesday, January 28, 2025

How Very Queer

Recently while driving through Portland, Maine's largest city, a stop at a red light gave me time to read a poster tacked up on a telephone pole advertising "Queer Climbing Night" at a local climbing venue.  

At first I wondered how climbing queerly could ever be something people wanted to learn how to do. But then I saw that it meant it was a special night at the gym when all the participants would be queer and they could climb together, without any of those nasty straight people nearby.

Imagine the outrage if the poster said "Straights Climbing Night." How about Christian Climbing Night, or Black Climbing Night? Or Men Only or Women Only. And what about the poor Transgenders? 

Somehow, members of the LGBTQ+ community have snagged the right to exclude everyone else from their  activities, with events like Pride Parades in every city across America and Drag Queen Bingo invading schools and businesses. How come? 

And what's the difference if you're climbing with other people who only have sex with a person of the same gender? Or no sex at all? Or maybe someone who likes both men and women -- are they queer enough for Queer Climbing Night? Do you climb higher, faster, better when surrounded by others who share your particular fetish?  

I hope someone in the Trump administration takes a look at this.

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