Tuesday, August 29, 2023

No More Private Parts

Professional tips on taking good pregnancy photos.
It's ironic that people fret and complain about government surveillance tactics "spying" on all of us. You would think that means the general public values privacy above all. Oddly, that's not the case.

Admittedly there is a lot of "spying" going on. Cameras at every convenience store, and at traffic lights and on street corners in most metropolitan cities record the daily doings of the populous. And forget about the Internet, where your every habit is noted and even recorded. Who you know, where you live, your date of birth, your spouse and children and parents, where you work, where you used to work and more is easily found by an amateur sleuth with a few minutes to spare.

Ditto your voting record, vaccination history, and just about anything else you can think of. This loss of privacy causes most of us to wring our hands in horror. But yet.....

Online, short, homemade movies ("Reels") posted by people who allegedly value their privacy disclose their daily habits, diets, feelings, bowel movements, sex lives, emotional status, suicidal thoughts and just about every "private" thing you can imagine. Women have no shame when it comes to exposing their big fat gross tummies hanging over their jeans and then extolling the virtues of a new kind of undergarment that will discreetly hide the mess. Or describing how terrible diarrhea kept them from living their best life until they started drinking this or eating that. Or demonstrating how old they look without makeup and then how much younger they look after piling it on. Or posing nude when they are exceedingly pregnant, as if stretch marks represent some kind of outstanding achievement to be lauded.

In a class by themselves are the transgenders, genderqueers, asexuals, anti-sexuals and bisexuals, etc., who think nothing of sharing their fantasies, genitalia preferences and bedroom habits with the world in the hopes of "going viral." But hey, don't you dare take my picture if I go speeding through a red light! What is this, a police state? 

Monday, August 28, 2023

God Help the Democrats (Please!)

Okay, so we have a two-party system of government. I get that. And most people are fervently devoted to their party and its policies. I get that too. But, as it says in the Constitution, "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another," that time is definitely right now.

I mean really, Democrats, you cannot be serious. Joe Biden, even when a young man, was nothing to write home about, but now at age 80 he is clearly a mental midget -- oops, I mean little person, I'm pretty sure you can't say midget anymore. But you get my point. Plus he seems not to be in such great health, and who knows how long he's got left what with all those chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream cones he loves so much. So should the worst happen and he dies in office, what are we left with? You-know-who for president.

What a joke. Is there a person alive, in either party, who doesn't get the willies thinking about Kamala Harris as the president? Of supposedly the most important nation in the world? Meaning, Kacklin' Kammie would be the most powerful person in the world. Oh please.

So of course they, meaning the Democrats, surely must have other plans. They're dumb, granted, but not that dumb. So who will it be? Michelle Obama seems likely since her husband is obviously The Man Behind the Curtain and has been since Biden first took office. And Michelle, being black, checks that important Woman Of Color box that's so popular these days in D.C.  (You heard it here first, remember that.)

I implore you God, to get on this as soon as possible and propel the best Republican candidate to victory before it's too late and I'm forced to wear a yellow armband in public.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

MLK's Bad Dream

This coming Wednesday is the 28th anniversary of Martin Luther King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech, so get ready for a lot of unctuous tributes to the great man whose dream never came true, at least not in this country. King's famous words are just that -- famous words. 

His dream was that his four children would "one day live in a nation where they are judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Well this ain't that nation, Marty! Not while Joe Biden is president, a man who vowed to choose as this running mate "a woman of color," and then doubled down on the tragic mistake by saying and doing it again when filling an empty SCOTUS seat. 

So now we're stuck with two non-white women -- applause, please -- one who we all agree is a dumb cluck and the other who, while possibly learned in many areas, cannot define the word "woman" despite being one herself.

It's a good thing Dr. King isn't still alive -- if he were he would die seeing what's going on here.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Celebrity Worship Signals End Times

Pity the poor celebrity. Surely every one of them had a dire childhood totally lacking in love or attention from their parents. This is certainly true of the children of celebrities, for obvious reasons, who then become celebrities themselves and go on to have their own children to ignore, perpetuating the horrid syndrome and keeping all those fancy rehab joints in business.

The need to show themselves off, no matter what they are doing or how bad they look to the rest of us, is staggering. I'm recalling a photo of that unfunny comedian Amy Schumer, who, while pregnant, posted an Instagram picture of her naked body, like anyone cared or could even keep down breakfast after seeing it.

Just now I saw a photo online of an actor named John Stamos, who I admit I have never seen in anything but have heard the name, standing in an outdoor shower, supposedly looking sexy. The photo cuts off at his waist, displaying his naked 60-year-old back as if it's something salacious. WTF, and why?

These people have serious issues, and yet the more serious issue is the number of fans who flock to these people, believing they are special or better than us non-celebs. The nuttiest of them run around getting their autographs, as if the fact that they met that person improves their life in any way.

We live in sick times. When is that giant meteor ever going to get here? Surely it's time to start over.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

You Can Have My Vote

Last night, instead of sitting at home and watching the televised Republican debate between hopefuls for the presidency, none of whom will win because the fix is in (again) for Biden and so who cares, my husband and I forked over $250 for the second time to see a local production of a smashing broadway show ("Something Rotten!") we saw just four nights ago, and I'm considering going again. So if you do the math, that's $500 we spent on pure entertainment, the old-fashioned kind that makes you laugh out loud and happy to be alive, unlike last night's debate which surely would have done the opposite.

Plainly put, I am sick and tired of politics and all the would-be "leaders" who, once in office, don't do what they say they'll do while they're out there vying for the job. Lest you forget, Barack Obama campaigned on the promise that he would close GITMO, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp used for housing captured enemy combatants and is considered by some to be inhumane, ON DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY, yet it's still open and his two terms in office are long over.

Most politicians are clearly people who did not get enough love and attention from their parents when they were children so they seek it from strangers as adults, all the while pretending they can solve the world's problems which they rarely, if ever, do. At this point I would vote for anyone who could get Vladimir Putin murdered and end the war in Ukraine. Until then, don't bother me with false promises made by a bunch of egotistical narcissists. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Biden the Liar

It's sad, shocking and scary that few, if any, Democrats give a hoot that our pretend-president is a lifelong liar. In fact, most of them lie about his lies.

We are taught as children that lying is bad, yet the election of Joe Biden to the highest office in the land, possibly the world -- although that's becoming less true every day he holds the title -- occurred despite his tenuous relationship with the truth.

His many lies surrounding his involvement in his son's sketchy business deals aside, the one that bothers me the most is his now-famous claim to have graduated in the top half of his law school class, when in reality he was 76th out of 85 students. What chutzpah! 

"I exaggerate when I'm angry," Joe told the New York Times when their reporter confronted him about it. Well I guess Joe's angry a lot these days as he continues to insist he never knew nuthin' about his son's business deals, yet somehow he and his various family members all received millions of dollars from somewhere.

And still, this is who the Democrats have chosen to represent them. Throw low-IQ VP Kamala Harris into the mix and you've got to wonder just what they heck they could all be thinking. Or are they even thinking?

Monday, August 21, 2023

They Is More Than One

Today I was really confused reading an article in the New York Times about a female runner who won a race and identifies as non-binary. From start to finish, the article referred to her as they, as in "they went to school" and "they started running when their coach told them they were good," etc. Who are they, I wondered. Turns out it was just her.

"People whose gender is not male or female use many different terms to describe themselves, with nonbinary being one of the most common sometimes spelled with a hyphen, as “non-binary”.

The utter nonsense above is quoted from a website, one of dozens, about transgenders. Mostly, when it comes to their genitalia, they are nutty. 

What makes me say that is the infuriating insistence on referring to themselves as they, even when they are not a they but a he or a she, or maybe an it. Whatever, there are not two of them just because they sometimes feel more like a man and other times maybe more like a woman. Why not call it mood swings and leave it at that?

Biologically speaking, one is either male or female. Individuals born with the two types of gonads, either occurring together or alternating, are called hermaphrodites. A hermaphrodite is still just one person! They indicates there are two distinct, separate and unique beings, when there are not.

You can't just change biology or grammar to match your mood. Sorry. Life doesn't work that way. If it did I'd be much thinner.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Three Reasons to Stay Alive

War, racial tension, starvation, homelessness, drug addiction, disease and natural disasters continually wreak havoc on the planet and its people. Most days it's hard to remember how life is glorious and that we should thank God often for allowing us to be part of it. Some days, in fact, I can hardly think of any reason to stick around. Then I remember two: First, someone has to feed the cat  -- my husband never does it quite right -- and second, I'm curious to see who wins the election in 2024. So I just go ahead and do my day.

Another reason is theater. Last night we attended a performance of "Something Rotten!" -- a highly original musical that enjoyed a two-year run on Broadway and is now circulating the country with traveling acting troupes. Usually I look askance at these local shows as I was raised on excellent Broadway fare and still have a natural bias. But this one, now showing in Brunswick at the Maine State Musical Theater, was fabulous, hysterical, professional and wildly entertaining, so much so that we are going again on Wednesday night of this coming week.

So that's another reason.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Freaks In the Men's Room

Freak: a person, animal or plant with an unusual physical abnormality.

This week my husband traveled to New York City for a business meeting held in a modern shared-work facility and was quite impressed with all of its cutting-edge features. 

On a visit to the men's room, however, he was amused by what he found there. Among the available amenities like toothpaste, toothbrushes, hand sanitizer and mouthwash, there was a basket of tampons. Having just used the urinal he knew he had not made the mistake of going into the ladies' room, but yet.....tampons? "I was just glad that nobody who wanted one of those came in while I was standing there peeing," he said later.

It's incredible to me how few people have the courage to speak out against the barbaric surgeries and practices that are taking place in the name of "equality." The term "gender affirming" is in reality "gender denial." Here are some facts that will never change no matter how many laws are passed:

Males do not menstruate.

Males can not become pregnant and give birth to offspring. 

Males can not breast feed.

Females do not have penises.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

What's New? Nothing Good.

I read the headline, "Massachusetts Man Fatally Shoots Neighbor, Dog and Himself" and burst into tears. That poor dog -- what the heck did he do to deserve that? Reading further, I learned that the man also shot three little kids hiding in a bedroom. They survived but are in the hospital, one in critical condition, their mommy and doggie gone forever.

Listen, I want to know why that's considered to be news. The Hawaii wildfires and resulting fatalities are certainly news since it was a horrific natural disaster, one that is apt to be repeated in the future so we should all pay attention and learn how to prepare. But having a crazy neighbor burst into your apartment and shoot you, your three kids and your dog will likely never happen to you, so why do we need to know it happened somewhere, to someone?

Fear-mongering seems to be the top goal of news purveyors, probably because it attracts the most readers and thus advertising dollars. To that end, every rainstorm is potentially life-threatening, with high winds and damaging hail. Stay indoors, the heat will kill you like it killed these other people. Looters are everywhere so don't go into a convenience store. Stay away from shopping malls, schools, outdoor concerts and Nordstrom's. Even little kids get their hands on guns and will shoot you on purpose, like the six-year-old boy who brought a gun to school and shot his teacher a while back, saying the day before, "I'm gonna kill that bitch." (How nice.)

I suppose it's best to not read the news at all if you hope to remain in a good mood. My friend Debra told me that constantly and she took her own advice, avoiding all of it as best she could despite having a husband addicted to TV pundits talking politics. Debra was always in a good mood. Then one day her wonderful, good mood life was ended in an instant by an oncoming semi. So I guess anything can get you, including six-year-olds and crazy neighbors, although my best advice is never try to cross the path of a speeding Freightliner.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

It's Not My Fault

A whoopee pie factory in Portland, Maine.

In Florida, a 9-year old child shot and killed a 6-year old child inside a home. In the comments section of the article, readers are blaming the NRA, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump and all the Republicans. Excuse me -- how about the negligent parents and the murderous child? 

Personal responsibility for one's actions is a thing of the past. Now people regularly sue the makers of fast food for making them fat. I wonder, should I sue the state of Maine because of all the Whoopie Pie stores dotting the local landscape? I don't even like them, but just seeing them is triggering, making me hunt down more palatable goodies to eat. Consequently I feel remorse. 

The stress caused by satisfying an artificial urge created just by strolling the streets of any town in Maine is taking a toll on me, a former heart attack victim. Why have two giant slabs of nutritionally deficient chocolate cake stuffed with sugary icing, enough to choke an elephant, been designated as the "state dessert"?

I'm going after Governor Janet Mills. She should at least have to pay for all my lorazepam.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Me & Trump: Hitting Rock Bottom

Today was not such a great day for me. I'm feeling pretty down after being rejected for a writing job with an online magazine that would have paid me $20 per article to repurpose news stories from other websites. (It's not plagiarism if you change enough words.) I thought I had it in the bag, but then the editor read my blog and said he couldn't risk using me because some of my posts are "pretty spicy" and "we have to protect our brand."

Imagine, my little blog that has only a handful of readers, on some days maybe two handfuls, is threatening to a large, well-known political publication that I won't name except to say that our publication's names share a word, and it's not "droid." So once again I will miss out on earning about $80 a week to write drivel about politics that nobody will read. So you see why I feel bad.

The only thing that cheers me up just a little is that I am not Donald Trump. Just imagine what he's got to be feeling, with virtually all of Washington, DC's vipers working ceaselessly to get him locked up behind bars forever, or at least until after the 2024 election. All those indictments, all those lawyer's fees, and all while trying to campaign for the presidency, and not a peep out of Melania.

So this day ends with me feeling a teeny bit better for not being Donald Trump, but still bad for someone saying my blog is spicy, which I looked up and learned means, "Exciting or entertaining, especially through being mildly indecent." Perhaps this is what is meant by the saying "hitting rock bottom." Things can only go up from here, for both of us. 

I can hardly wait til morning.


Trump's Fourth Indictment

 Democrat leaders celebrating another Trump indictment.
Oh dear, Donald Trump has been indicted again, along with 18 of his former allies (like he ever had even one), for the crime of not believing the results of the 2020 rigged election, which actually was rigged but you can't say that. That makes four indictments against the Democrats' favorite punching bag so far. 

The latest one was instigated by a  woman of color in Georgia who holds some political office, it doesn't matter which. The point is that anyone can indict Trump these days -- it's the updated "sexual harassment" accusation which was wearing thin from overuse.

I pray for many things, mostly the health of my good friend with cancer, the end of world hunger, my son's happiness and no more war, to name but a few on my nightly list. But I would trade all of them for Mr. Donald J. Trump to win the presidency in 2024, just so I could see every last vindictive, lying, scheming Democrat in power dissolve into a sobbing, miserable, vengeful, rotting heap of misery. 

Hopefully it would be televised during prime time.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Bumper Cars All Grown Up

Yesterday I read an article online about a road rage incident at a Las Vegas public elementary school. It seems "a woman in a red Mercedes" and "a man in a white SUV" got into a squabble while merging into a line to drop off their kids after school, or pick them up I can't remember. White SUV thought Red Mercedes was cutting him off, or vice versa -- not important. Next thing you know Red Mercedes hops out and a tussle ensues, or maybe White SUV started it -- nobody knows for sure. But then White SUV pushed Red Mercedes' young son to the ground, so she pulled out a knife and stabbed White SUV in the stomach. (Wow, did not see that coming!)

White SUV went by ambulance to the hospital and Red Mercedes was arrested. But hey, why no descriptions of the people? No ages? No ethnicities, in this day when ethnicity is everything? Why can't we know the combatants were a black woman and a white man? Instead we learn what color their cars are.

Most news stories these days intentionally neglect to mention the race of the people involved, like it's no big deal. Yet Joe Biden campaigned on the promise that he would pick a black woman as his VP, and followed that by announcing he would appoint a black Supreme Court Justice. That's okay -- but a news story wherein someone stabbed someone else is cloaked in mystery.

I'd bet the farm that if a white guy had stabbed a black woman, we'd know it. As it is, we can only conclude that drivers of red Mercedes are potentially hot-headed whack jobs and drivers of white SUVS are possibly bullies who hurt children.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Kamala Harris: Can We Talk?

Okay, people, really, can we talk? We all know Joe Biden is not running the show, he's just a figurehead, and a bad one at that. But at least he's had a long career in Congress with plenty of experience doing nothing. That's something.

But Kamala Harris? She is plainly a moron, a doofus and not fit to babysit. How did she get this far? The rumor is that she traded sex for her last job. I suppose she was better looking when she was younger, but now all she has going for her is her slightly brown skin, which to Joe Biden says Woman of Color, as if that makes her fit to run the country should he keel over dead, or even just fall into a coma, have a stroke, tumble down the stairs, slip in the bathtub, trip over one of his dogs or fall off his bike again. Then what?

Democrats, I'm talking to you! Do something about this clown you have decided to let run for another term as VP before it's too late. Honestly, some people.....

Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Truth About Aging

I've been seeing quite a few interviews with random older people on Instagram where they are asked how they feel about getting older, or what's the worst thing about being older, or the best? Their answers are mostly total BS, given a positive spin because they are on camera. Here's the real lowdown from someone who turned 77 two months ago.

First of all, to contradict much of what some people have said, being old is not the best time of your life. Not at all. No, being in kindergarten is the best time of your life. Beyond that, being younger rather than older is better in many ways. Like how your body feels. 

Despite exercising and working out twice a week with a Crossfit trainer, I find waking up each morning a daily surprise --- not that I woke up but how stiff my body feels. It must happen while I'm sleeping, because when I get into my super-comfy bed the night before I feel fine, but next morning I feel like a burlap sack filled with rocks. It takes a good ten minutes and a strong cup of black coffee to get things working right.

Even if you are relatively healthy and can run around like Mick Jagger still does at 80, problems arise just from having used the equipment for so long. I could list from A to Z the petty annoyances that show up out of the blue, requiring Googling of symptoms and repeated trips to the CVS. Nothing terminal, thank God, but enough to make me weep occasionally and grab a marijuana pipe for a few calming puffs. Of course there are also heart attacks, but that goes without saying. (I had one six years ago and don't speak of it.)

Also, your friends start dying. This will continue until they are all dead, or you are.

So there you have it: the plain truth about aging. And don't get me started on your teeth and gums -- that's a whole other story altogether.

Alien Invasion

"What's for breakfast?"

Earlier this week, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency over the growing immigration debacle. Saying there is no more available space in hotels and homeless shelters in her state,
she suggested that her constituents consider housing some of the migrants themselves, like "in a spare bedroom or suite in your home."

What a nice idea. How kumbaya. Not for me, however; I can hardly stand having people I know spend the night. While my husband and I have happily donated two quite nice 10-speed bikes and several bags of clothing, sheets and towels to the cause here in Maine, that's as far as I can go. 

In fact, rather than housing strangers from who knows where carrying God knows what drugs and/or diseases picked up from swimming across the Rio Grande in my private sanctuary from the craziness of the world, I would sooner:  

Change a flat tire on a semi

Attend a Taylor Swift concert

Do 100 burpees in a row

Spend a whole day at Disney World

Let Joe Biden sniff my hair

Fly to Israel in coach, again

Eat dog meat

Have sex with Chris Christie

So no, if they try that stunt in Maine, I'm not doing it.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Free Speech Is So Last Week

In case you hadn't noticed, America is no longer a "free country." I just found out today that comments posted on this blog can be rejected by someone other than me. When I first started writing this blog in 2007 that was certainly not the case -- I was the only "administrator" with the power to veto comments. 

But there's no more free speech here, I'm afraid. These days there is a hidden "higher authority" who goes by the name of Blog Administrator that can "eliminate" comments that don't meet the woke standards of the lunatic left. 

I assume this to be the case because the comments that have been eliminated were written by people I personally know to be Republicans. So go ahead and vote for the Democrats next time, and see what other privileges you lose.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

News That's Not Newsworthy

This morning I awoke to heavy rains, like much of the country. Naturally this normal weather condition has been turned into MAJOR BREAKING NEWS, even though it's been raining since the Dawn of Man, or even the Beginning of Time. Whipped into a frenzy concerning two friends who live in Baltimore and  D.C., cities the news reported experiencing "severe conditions" with floods washing away cars, high winds downing trees and trapping people in their homes and widespread power outrages, I texted them. They both replied that everything was fine -- it was "raining" and "windy."

Having to make enough money to justify the cost of makeup for the bimbos and mimbos hired to smile into the camera and look pretty, TV and Internet execs scrounge around looking for news anywhere they can find it. Another story that broke today centered on a man I never heard of (Wayne Brady) who is the host of the game show Let's Make A Deal. Brady (drum roll here) "came out as pansexual." 

Apparently pansexual is different form bisexual. Who knew? The latter means you are attracted to both men and women, while the former means you are attracted to anything with a pulse. I suppose this information is important to share about yourself so others will know to keep a safe distance and never, ever enter an empty elevator with you. Still, is it really justifiable as newsworthy? Wake me when there's a school shooting or Kamala Harris says something stupid again, two things worth tuning in for.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Have A Good Day

This morning I woke up in a what I would term a decent mood, considering my cat's infected paw that sent us rushing to the emergency vet clinic yesterday. The whole thing cost $662 for what was essentially the removal of a splinter, but besides that things seemed fine, at least before I actually got out of bed. Then I made the mistake of reading the news, both online and in the Wall Street Journal, and learned about the following:

According to the World Health Organization, America is the most dangerous of all high-income countries in which to give birth, with a growing number of new mothers exhibiting mental health disorders resulting in suicide, along with the highest death rate of new babies and mothers. 

A 29-year-old man in Costa Rica jumped into a river and was eaten by an crocodile, in front of many witnesses.

A father drowned after rescuing his three children from a river after they exhibited "distress." 

A 35-year-old woman who complained of feeling dehydrated died a few hours after drinking too much water in 20 minutes.

A house explosion in New Jersey killed two of the occupants and seriously injured four others who were inside.

Singer Celine Dion has been diagnosed with "stiff-person syndrome," for which there is no cure. (Who knew there was such a thing and just imagine what it does to you.)

In South Korea, a man rammed his car onto a sidewalk and then got out and started stabbing people at a shopping mall. It was the country's second mass stabbing in a month.

And much more like that. Anyway, have a good rest of your day.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Why Aren't People Nice?

Today a random stranger on Facebook posted the comment that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should "do something about" his voice, because it's "really annoying." Was he suggesting that Kennedy cure himself of spasmodic dysphonia, which causes the muscles in his larynx to go into spasm? 

Because I think we can all agree that Kennedy would prefer being able to speak normally. He has even said he can't listen to himself! Still, he's got the guts to go out and seek public office despite his condition, which is admirable in itself.

People are so mean to one another, and especially to strangers they have never met and know nothing about. It's so disheartening, and has so little in common with the lies we feed our kids in childhood. We tell them to play nice with everyone, but then they grow up and see that nobody plays nice. Thus, alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, depression and suicide run rampant.

The Final Solution: Take the Cannoli

The Democrats have wanted Donald Trump out of the picture ever since he declared his run for the presidency in June of 2015. Since then they have wasted countless taxpayer dollars hunting down evidence to put him behind bars, despite the fact that his presidency was a resounding success with many policies in place that eradicated our nation's worst problems. Still, they hated him then and they hate him even more now.

Trump's third indictment came down yesterday, for the "crime" of "trying to subvert the will of the American voters through his attempts to cling to power after he lost the 2020 election." He "conspired to defraud the US, blah blah blah." This is all getting so old and so expensive. Why don't they just drive him out into the country and execute him, like in The Godfather? It would be so much cheaper, easier and quicker for all, putting everyone out of their misery. Maybe then we can move on to some things that really matter to Americans. 

Like what, you ask? The rampant crime, homelessness and drug addiction destroying our major cities, the illegal entry at our borders by foreigners (some bearing deathly drugs), the fact that many American high school students can barely read or do math, the climbing obesity rate clogging our medical facilities with weight loss surgeries that do nothing (see Chris Christie), the seething race war that worsens daily, the deadly mass shootings by the untreated mentally ill and the spread of transgenderism that has immoral doctors performing gruesome procedures on youngsters whose lives are then forever ruined, to name but a few. 

Maybe the current administration could start with some of those things. Or even one thing.

Something Worse Than Elon

Those foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Muskers are apoplectic over Elon fine-tooth-combing the IRS for fraud, waste and abuse. Led by raging Senato...