Sunday, July 10, 2022

Crazy Trans People

Here's part of a letter to the editor printed in today's New York Times:

"I needed tampons the day I got my double mastectomy. When I made the choice to exert my bodily autonomy and get lifesaving care as a trans person, I also needed reproductive care for menstruation. Why? Because I am not a woman and I still have a uterus. My uterus does not care if I am trans. My uterus does not care if you are scared or confused about its existence." 

The letter was signed "Henry." 

Well Henry, I have some news for you: You are a woman. You can lop off your breasts but you are still a woman. You can call yourself Henry but you are still a woman. If you menstruate, you are still a woman. Forget the reproductive care, you need psychiatric care -- a ton of it, and quick. And don't ask your uterus what it thinks, just do it.

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