Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hollywood Mimbos and Bimbos

With all the dastardly things going on in the world, the denizens of Hollywood continue to believe that they are very, very important. They are helped by the media, all of them working in unison to make money, money, and more money. Today's Wall Street Journal, once a dependable source of serious news, devotes three full pages to the upcoming Academy Awards, "Hollywood's most prestigious awards ceremony." 

Yes, despite the pandemic and continuing police brutality and rioting in the streets, this year there will be Oscars handed out. And a Red Carpet upon which the decked out stars will strut their stuff. And many more nominees in all categories, just to be sure that Blacks and Chinese and Japanese and Germans and Koreans and who-knows-who-else will be included, God forbid too many white people win. (What, no Native Americans? Get ready for some protests.)

Who cares? Once upon a time I did. But then I grew up and suddenly which designer's dress Glenn Close is wearing seems like a bitter bad joke. America now has bigger fish to fry, and hopefully dismal ratings of the always overblown telecast will deliver that message to the mimbos and bimbos of Hollywood.

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