Friday, March 8, 2019

Our Tax Dollars At Work

Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) got the ball rolling by repeatedly voicing her hatred of Israel.
I read on the front page of the paper this morning that Congress voted to condemn hate. On the inside page the story headline said the House passed a resolution opposing hate. In the body of the article, it was reported that our leaders had denounced hate. And not just any hate, but hate in all forms, although mostly the kind levied against Jews, Muslims and white nationalists. (Apparently black lives no longer matter, and you can still hate anchovy pizza.) And the vote was 407-23, so it's clear they mean business.

Personally, as a Jew I am quite excited. Finally, no more anti-Semitism! That's a load off. On the other hand, condemning, opposing, and denouncing doesn't exactly outlaw a thing, does it? For example, I condemned, opposed and denounced smoking cigarettes for nearly 40 years but I did it anyway.

I'm certainly looking forward to the law taking effect. Oh wait, it's not a law, more like a suggestion. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction. Thank God for Congress!

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