Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Some Emails Are Worth Sharing

I am pretty excited! I just received the email shown above and I couldn't be prouder. I am going to complete their short order form and go for it! I have always wanted to be an icon, and now I'll have the chance! I have also always wanted to brand myself, but it sounded so painful I would never do it. But I guess now there's another kind of branding that doesn't involve a hot iron, and I'm ready to find out all about it.

I just wonder how these people found my name. It must be from this blog, since all the other things I do -- like research a cure for cancer and feed the poor in under-developed countries and create new apps for the iPhone -- are done under my pseudonym, with a whole other email address on my private server in the basement. (That's one of the things I have in common with Hillary Clinton.)

Anyway, most of my emails are fairly mundane, but this is one I wanted to share with all of my loyal readers. I can't wait to inspire women with my story.


  1. It's a (an "online"?) magazine trolling for free content... They send it to all women they notice doing anything potentially interesting... I get it ;-)

  2. you are already an icon and you dont need to do anything to get there! But this still seem sooooooo exciting :-0


Trump Is No Normal Man

In one day we have all gone from being blindfolded in the cargo section, with no idea who was flying the plane, to sitting next to the pilot...