Tuesday, June 16, 2015

When It Comes to Horror, You Can't Trump Donald

"I am worth over eight billion dollars."
Oh God. Donald Trump, who makes Sarah Palin look like a Rhodes scholar, has announced that he is officially running for president in 2016. This makes me sad for my son and my as yet unborn grandchildren. Not that Trump will win, certainly, but that there are living, breathing people who are cheering him on. That he thinks he can do it. That's how low the office of president, in fact all of politics, has been dragged down. Not pointing any fingers at which White House occupant has done the most dragging, but you all remember I'm sure.

Donald does have his good points, I suppose. He's rich enough without us forking over a dime, in fact his campaign slogan is "I don't need anybody's money." He speaks his mind. He's brash and aggressive. He never shuts up. I can imagine that after he takes office in some nightmare scenario and is beheaded by ISIS who will surely find his hair objectionable and go after it, he will probably keep right on talking.

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Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...