Even if you have no problem ingesting
something that once had parents, you've still got to pity the poor lobster. When he's
not being boiled, broiled, steamed, grilled, baked or stuffed, which here in Maine happens every minute of every day, he's
having his claws broken like some poor slob who pissed off Tony Soprano.
I know, I know-- people the world over consume chicken wings and baby back ribs and legs of lamb and all the other body parts of all the other animals all the time.
Despite all that, a recipe I read in the New York Times for something called "Lobster
Cappuccino" seemed unduly cruel. After luring the dumb creature into your home and completing the author's first two opening salvos, Step 3 advises:
"To make the lobster broth and garnish, lay the live
lobster on a cutting board. Place the tip of a large, heavy knife at the
indentation where the carapace meets the head of the lobster, making
sure the cutting blade is facing the lobster's eyes. Swiftly and
forcefully, plunge the knife through the lobster until the knife hits
the cutting board."
Assuming you are not Nancy Pelosi but are human and yet go forward anyway, Step 4 has you
"twist off the claws and tail, split the lobster in half,
discarding the innards after scraping out the roe." This got me wondering--besides whether or not you can get into Heaven if you make Lobster Cappuccino--if lobsters feel pain. Searching the Internet I found roughly a million lobster sites, each one addressing
how to cook them, where to buy them and when to trap them. Could an entire species exist just for Man's consumption?
Fortunately I stumbled upon a website run by Robert Huber, a.k.a. Lobsterman. A biologist at Bowling
Green State University, he graciously took the time to answer my e-mailed
questions, one of which was: Do lobsters feel pain? According to Huber, "All vertebrates have pain
pathways in the brain. Some pains may actually be something we go out of
our way to experience, such as eating hot chili peppers. Having a knife
stuck into your body does not usually come to mind in that context.
Lobsters, like any vertebrate, will dislike having their bodies chopped
in half and will presumably also find unpleasant a breach of the body
wall or the tearing off of a limb."
This teaches us two things: First and most important, never quote a
biologist in a humor column. Next, if you
insist on following a recipe in which you've got
to tear something limb from limb while it's still breathing, plan ahead and have some anesthesia handy. I suggest a glass of red wine. And while you're at it, pour some on the lobster--he needs it more than you do.