Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just Send Money

You can see why cabs were scarce in Hoboken during Hurricane Sandy.
The concert to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Sandy is named "121212" because it is being held today and that's today's date, but really, shouldn't it be the date of the hurricane? I suppose the logo potential was just too enticing for the organizers. Judging from the self-congratulatory tone of everyone involved, Hurricane Sandy happened just so this fabulous concert could happen. As I write this, singer Alicia Keyes is advising the audience members to hold their cell phones up to light the night, instead of candles which can be so messy, not to mention dangerous. "Put your cell phones in the air, help me celebrate New York," she keeps repeating, or should I say intoning. (Somehow it's less romantic than Elton John's "candle in the wind.") Every so often an actual Sandy victim, still homeless but with great spirit, appears and is interviewed, telling us how devastated they are, but it's hard to pay attention what with the all hoopla going on in the background. What fun!

When the hurricane struck in late October, many average citizens--or at least those with hearts and minds and extra cash--donated to the rescue effort. I mean, who didn't? So now these rock star celebrities and Billy Crystal are all kvelling because people actually came to the concert to help the victims of Sandy! Personally, I think the attendees flocked there to see the Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney and Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi and Eric Clapton and Kanye West and The Who and Billy Joel and the ubiquitous More, and are not really there to help the victims of the storm; to do that they could have just donated to the Red Cross long before now. Without getting anything for it in return, except maybe a tax deduction.

Such outrageous public displays of "aren't we great--we care!" make me embarrassed for all involved, especially Roger Daltry who I just saw onstage looking decrepit, and with his shirt all the way open like he's still sexy. (I thought he died years ago, but it was one of the others although I can't remember Who.)

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