Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Sliding Scale

I wake up and my mind's a blank. "I need coffee" is the extent of its thinking. I get some; that's an immediate upper. Then it begins--the daily assault. Facts enter, each doing its part in building a mood. Cat throw-up on the living room floor. Not pleasant, but in hindsight no big deal; on a scale of 1 to 10--1 being good --I give it a 4. Go outside to get the paper, and it's there for the first time in days--that's a 2. (It would be a 1 except for those days it was missing.) The newspaper is full of bad news. That gang-rape victim in Delhi died from her injuries; a solid 10. She was only 23, with everything ahead. That was how her life ended. I swear off Indian food. The fiscal cliff is still around--a 5, because I barely care and think it means nothing. Let's just go over it already. On Facebook I read that my son's coat was stolen last night while he was in a restaurant. He must have been really cold getting home. I'll give it a 6 or 7, because if the rape victim was a 10, how could it be any more, but really, personally, thinking of him being cold and now coatless, it's a 10. Anyway, that's Washington for you, I recall, happy I now live in Maine, a definite 2.

It goes on like this, all day. How do I really feel is lost among the factoids bouncing around inside my brain. And I'm married, so my husband's moods are mixed in there, and I can't control those at all; that's a 6. At least I have a brain; that's a 0. And a husband. That's a sliding scale.


  1. So, do the math the end of the day do you average on the +?

  2. The day is still young. Horrible phone call from son is a 10. Mitch complaining about his surgery is a 10. I am sure it will end up in the toilet.


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...