Thursday, July 7, 2011

Whose Turn Is it?

With my hip replacement surgery scheduled on the heels of his shoulder surgery later this summer, my husband and I are on a week-long mini-vacation in Rhinebeck, NY and are trying to have a good time, goddammit. To that end, we went out to dinner at a fairly upscale Italian restaurant the other evening, the kind with candles and tablecloths and opera playing in the background. Except for the opera it seemed quite pleasant, but almost immediately after we were seated it became apparent that the entire establishment was being held hostage by a screaming little blond girl about the age of Caylee Anthony, who as you may recall was killed by her own mother, no doubt for carrying on in a similar manner.

After several ear-piercing screams from the child, I became exasperated and Mitch became pissed off. We debated leaving the restaurant. Having already ordered wine, we opted to stay, at which point the adorable Caylee-clone started running around our table, again with the screaming. Mitch threw down his menu and said in a loud stage whisper, "That's it, we're leaving!" One of the adults in the offending party said, "No no, we are leaving!" I replied, not in a stage whisper but instead projecting to the balcony, "That's great!"

As they gathered up their things, muttering about what bad people we were, the lone man in the group shouted out to the child, who was still running and screaming but at least was now headed for the door, "Sorry they ruined your birthday, Sasha!" The rest of them concurred, quite audibly, that we indeed sucked.

Call me madcap, but it seems to me that they should have apologized to us, or at the very least quieted little Sasha. As for ruining her birthday, oh please--it was already 8 pm and the child had surely been feted all day long. Besides, her party was over and ours was just starting, if only in the restaurant that night, so the whole episode smacked of the "Medicare-Social Security-young people, old people" thing. Sometimes I wonder, just whose turn is it?


  1. And you "BELIEVED" them when they said it was Sasha's birthday. OH PLEEEESE!! That age goes to the Joker's or Chuckie Cheese places (which I detest). This group was too cheap to pay for a sitter and thought their child is "wonderful". They should have left and/or the management should have asked them to leave. These types of parents breed really rude children which then become really rude adults.


  2. Many years ago, 17 of them probably, we went to a nice Italian place on the Upper East Side with some friends and had a similar experience. We're trying to have a nice dinner and this toddler was just out of control. Under our table, over our table, around our table, crying, wriggling... The real horror, of course, was that this unruly infant was mine.

    I spent a lot of that fine Italian meal walking up and down 2nd Avenue.

  3. Yes, Keith, we had a similar experience with Zack when he was a babe
    , but only once. We too took turns with him outside, which is the only appropriate parental response!

  4. Deneb says:
    I never tried taking them. I like the establishment here, Trios, that has a "no crybabies" sign on the door. Very rude parents and very rude child. I also hate it when dogs beg at the table. no manners.

    If I were the manager, I would have immediately approached your table with an apology and a complimentary beverage and a gift certificate for another evening, as well as making sure that your service was galactic for the remainder of your stay.
    that is what you pay the big bucks for.

  5. Deb: That is why you are my best friend.

  6. To Anonymous: Tell me something I don't know!

  7. I would have scooped that child up and entertained it..I did that last week at a sushi place..I love them kinder..the parents let me! Perfect stranger holding your child..and all you can think about is eating..wth? Weird priorities..


Stupid Bowl Half-Time Cringe

All the professional music critics who A, want to keep their jobs and B, hope not to get gunned down on the street as they leave their homes...