Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Things Are Bad All Over

I woke up happy, fed the cats, made some coffee and opened up my newspaper, whereupon the following headlines assaulted me:
"Debt Worries Roil Markets"
"Investors Fear Contagion of Greek Crisis, U. S. Debt Stalemate"
"Cattle Contamination Scare Spreads in Japan"
"Earthquake Risks Probed at U. S. Nuclear Plants"

And my husband wonders why I'm a nervous wreck. The awful truth is that the truth is awful, and when it isn't, the editors make it sound that way. As if war and famine and floods and murder were not enough, even the normal ups and downs of our weather are twisted to increase our panic and sell advertising, not to mention toilet paper. Every summer we hear so much about dangerous heat waves blanketing the nation in misery, with blistering heat and soaring temperatures cooking up the elderly and boiling babies in the back seats of cars, that we almost forget that soon enough we'll be in the grips of dangerous cold spells, with deadly ice storms and piling snow drifts causing car accidents and power outages and leaving old people frozen to death inside their unheated homes.

But in today's paper, the scariest story of all was found on the back page of the second section: "Charlie Sheen Gets Sitcom Deal." 

 Now that's scary.


  1. 1) It is a fundamental truth that life is suffering. Our challenge is to find peace in the midst . . . Or put another way, you eat shit and then you die.

    2) I read today a very scary editorial in the NYT . . . all about global warming and how hot it is in Texas as a result . .. so hot, that the weather patterns of the last 30 years are the hottest since 150 years ago, so we are definitely destroying the planet. While that may be so, am I the only one going "huh???"

  2. Deneb says: With the proper products, I mean make-up and fingernails, Charlie could look like a woman. I hope the sitcom is about Charleen the drag queen.....


Stupid Bowl Half-Time Cringe

All the professional music critics who A, want to keep their jobs and B, hope not to get gunned down on the street as they leave their homes...