Tuesday, September 1, 2015

About Me (Not)

If Mountains Could Move

Note to Everyone: Who gives a shit about you? I mean really, how many times a day do I see those two words, "About Me," online, on a website, on a blog, and think, oh shut up and tell me something we can all use. Why do I have to hear all about you? Why do I need to know where you went to college or if you went to college or what you had for dinner last night, complete with photos? And speaking of, enough with the selfies and the pictures of your weekend camping trip and your kid's hockey award and your grandchild's birthday party and you, you, you. Enough!

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz

It's hard to believe that what began in 2004 as an innocent tool intended for Harvard college boys to meet attractive coeds on campus ha...