Friday, April 13, 2012

Two Scary Days

Today is Friday the 13th and I forgot to worry about it, probably because I was too busy worrying about our taxes due on the 15th, when once again the government will take a giant chunk of money to buy something stupid. It could be anything, like one of these:
1. Fuel for Air Force One ($179,750 per hour of flight)
2. Las Vegas junket for government employees ($850,00)
3. Commissioned portraits of government officials ($50,000 each)
4. Re-sanding of beaches, even as the new sand washes away ($3 billion)
5. Team-building using new bikes for 24 government employees ($75,000)
6. Decorating an airplane ($500,000)

I wish I knew.


  1. nice pic . . . exactly how april 15th feels

  2. are these all facts?! RS

  3. of course, who could make this stuff up?
    (Google "government waste")


Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz

It's hard to believe that what began in 2004 as an innocent tool intended for Harvard college boys to meet attractive coeds on campus ha...