Friday, July 8, 2016

Our Broken Country

How odd that in the eight years since the election of our first back president, with our first black First Lady and their two black daughters living in the White House, race relations in America between blacks and whites have gone steadily downhill, culminating in the shooting ambush last night of eleven white police officers, five of them fatally, by a twenty-five-year-old black Army veteran who had served in Afghanistan. Micah Johnson was reportedly "upset" over the recent police killings of two black men in other American cities and wanted to "kill white police officers."

You showed them, Micah. Now maybe someone could show Barack Obama how to be a black leader for his people. Obama immediately appeared behind a podium somewhere in Poland and blamed this tragedy on our gun laws, but uttered not a word about how racism is running rampant and getting worse every day.


  1. Racism is a problem made infinitely worse by putting military style rapid fire weapons into the hands of the craziest among us.

  2. It really is amazing . . . worse than EVER


Trump Is No Normal Man

In one day we have all gone from being blindfolded in the cargo section, with no idea who was flying the plane, to sitting next to the pilot...