Saturday, March 19, 2016

Washington's Coming Attractions

Imagine a Trump presidency: The lies. The yelling, the mocking, the protests, the endless bloviating. A do-nothing Congress intent on blocking his every move. His detractors angry and hostile towards his fervent followers. Families ripped asunder. His hair getting weirder and weirder. His vacations with the rich and famous at Mar-a-Lago and Seven Springs. The fawning photo spreads in Vogue showing the many moods of the beautiful First Lady.

Now imagine a Clinton presidency: The lies. The yelling, the mocking, the protests, the endless bloviating. A do-nothing Congress intent on blocking her every move. Her dectractors angry and hostile towards her fervent followers. Her pantsuits getting wider and wider. Her vacations with the rich and famous in Hollywood and the Hamptons. The withering presence and steady decline of the formerly fabulous and galvanizing First Husband.

Who benefits in either case? The frenzied media, the late-night comics, and the writers at Saturday Night Live.

Next, imagine a Kasich presidency: Reason and sound judgment become the rule of the day. America's tarnished image begins to regain its former shine. People of all parties revere our leader and enjoy his homespun homilies. His lovely wife and attractive teen-age daughters become role models for women everywhere. There is little political fighting in Washington as both sides work together for the good of the nation. Old friends and families reunite.

Blitzer: Now what?
Finally, imagine poor Wolf Blitzer, Megyn Kelly, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Sean Hannity, Anderson Cooper, Bill O'Reilly, Jimmy Fallon and the rest of the media vultures, groping around for their next big story. Whatever will they talk about?


  1. I can't understand how no one has mentioned kasich's new hairdo- surely you must have noticed!


Antique Stereotypes

Here in Maine, wokeism is alive and well. So much so that it's made the national news. Yup, sleepy little Maine has hit the big time, wi...