Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dinner With Barack: Click Here!

I would hate to have my job depend on my advertising for the position. I would also hate to have my job depend on gimmicks like selling "dinner with me" to raise the money in order to buy the advertising. Most of all, I would hope that after working somewhere for four years, people would know I am great at what I do and thus I would relax and not worry that some upstart would come and steal my job away. Actually, this is all true in my case. Having worked many places and always been a valued employee, I wonder why one would feel differently. The only job I ever got fired from was as a graphic designer at a cult-owned Washington, D. C. newspaper where I enticed one of the sheep into leaving the flock, and since he was quite high up in said flock, His Most Supreme High Mooniness dictated "off with her head!"-- only this is America and they talked him down and all that happened is I got fired.

Anyway, President Obama is continuing to clutch at straws. Once again he is hawking dinner with himself as a perk in exchange for your donation to his campaign to keep his job. He is raffling himself off! I wonder: will there be a teleprompter on the table?

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Good Luck Donald!

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