Science has proven that the human ear can hear sounds within the frequency range of 20Hz to 20,000Hz, whereas a dog's hearing ability extends to frequencies up to 65,000Hz or higher. That changes their perception of the world.
In a similar way, some people operate on a higher frequency than can be understood by the average person. President Trump and Elon Musk are two people whose intelligence is far above the norm, which means that many of the rest of us may often have a hard time understanding them.
The lion's share of people who simply cannot interpret the actions of Trump and Musk are Democrats, who mostly operate at a very low frequency. Why do I say that? Here are a few reasons:
1. They take their political marching orders from dodos such as Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Whoopie Goldberg, Joy Behar, the dolts of CNN, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff.
2. They find Jimmy Fallon funny.
3. They believe there are 72 genders.
4. They supported Kamala Harris in her quest to become the most powerful person in the world, simply because of her skin color.
5. They will watch the Academy Awards show, including the Red Carpet foolishness.
6. They want to normalize Drag Queens as a valid lifestyle.
7. They said President Clinton's sex life was "his own business" when he had sex in the White House with a young intern, but mercilessly ravaged Brett Kavanaugh for drunken behavior at a beer party when he was 17 and a private citizen.
8. They elected Ilhan Omar, a Muslim who hates America and thus all Americans, as a member of our Congress.
I'd go on but you get the point: Trump and Musk, both former Democrats who came to their senses, are taking a sledgehammer to the mountain of waste that is our federal government. The lazy bureaucrats who live inside that mountain are angry, scared and delusional, appalled at having to describe what they do to earn their pay. So they lash out and call the dynamic duo names, scrawl signs to wave during protests, and imagine Nazi salutes everywhere. It would be funny were it not so sad.
President Trump, a known brilliant negotiator and businessman, is on his way to ending the three-year war that has taken the lives of 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 198,000 Russian soldiers. He's only been in office for a little over one month and has already spoken with the leaders of both countries about a path to a peaceful resolution of their differences, one that will benefit all involved including the U.S.
The Dems should just shut up about Musk and Trump and go back to planning their next Disney vacation, knowing that the world's problems are in good hands. I wish they could understand that everything is fine, but they just can't hear it.
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